EP. 53 How Spirituality Rewires Your Brain: Dr. Andrew Newberg on Combining Science and Spirituality to Transform Our Emotions, Connections, and Inner Worlds | School of Becoming


I am elated to introduce our guest for today’s show, Dr. Andrew Newberg.

Why is Dr. Newberg here having an epic mind-blowing conversation on the How of Within? Because he is a leader in Neurotheology.

Neurotheology is the study of how religion and spirituality affect that beautiful brain. He has published 14 books and is known as one of the 30 most influential neuroscientists alive.

We explore the scientific truths behind spiritual experiences and how these experiences can transform our perception of reality.

Get ready for the conversation that is going to blow your mind and heart wide open.

Turn the volume up. It’s neurotheology time.

More Love,
