Certification | School of Becoming


The only certification of its kind, built around the proven Neuro-Identity EvolutionTM Methodology that marries Neuroscience, Consciousness, Energetics & Somatic Healing to deliver unprecedented transformations.

  • Are you a Coach who’s looking to guarantee your clients’ next-level results? 
  • Are you a Business Leader who needs a skillset that cultivates unparalleled teams and generates results? 
  • Are you a Healer who wants proven ways to help your clients think differently and achieve holistic, sustainable transformation?
  • Are you an Online Entrepreneur who’s seeking new ways to support your clients so they can show up to execute on the strategy and visibility needed to achieve what they want?
The doors for the
are now closed for the 2023 cohort. Join the waitlist to be notified when the doors open to apply for the 2024 cohort.

join the CMMMP Waitlist.

What if you could deliver a proven transformational program that was so comprehensive that it guaranteed results unlike anything else on the market?



“Investing in myself in certification has allowed me to recognize disempowering thoughts and behaviors, own and love ALL of me, and create and pitch a $100K offer that’s going to help my clients. exponentially!”

Charyse Williams

Business Coach for Nurses,
Bestselling Author, Podcast Host

“My confidence has skyrocketed.
Since certification,I’ve booked my first keynote, I’m launching the second round of my mastermind, planning my new group program using the Neuro- Identity Evolution™ Methodology, and generated four new clients. My business has leveled up because I’ve leveled up.
 I’m a different coach than I was before this certification.”

Amy Young

Coach & Founder
Redefine Possibility

“If you want to uplevel your life, if you want tools for your business, if you want to help more people, if you want to have an impact, and you want to be around one of the coolest leaders out there, and you want a community of sisterhood, this is your place.”

Celi Arias

Business Strategist

“Since becoming certified, my business has experienced massive growth. Revenue exploded and we are about to hit the 7- figure mark. We went from four members, to 90 members in our organization.”

Cheryl Thompson

CEO & Founder
CADIA - The Center for Automotive
Diversity, Inclusion & Advancement

“I’ve studied neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, and hypnotherapeutic technique. I got certified under Tony Robbins’ Robbins-Madanes certification…
Nothing held a candle to the excellence and the proven results that the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification did.”

Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy

The Business Of Happiness

What makes the Neuro-Identity EvolutionTM Certification the industry’s gold standard?
  • The efficacy of the methodology is proven, both within our delivery of it AND in the delivery of it by other certified practitioners
  • It’s the only certification that encompasses all facets and elements of what it takes to repeatedly and sustainably evolve: Neuroscience, Consciousness, Energetics & Somatic Healing
  • The hybrid model of both virtual and in-person experiential learning and practical application allows for inclusivity of all learning styles
  • It provides you with the ability to deepen your own impact and wealth as you take possession of the entire methodology, brand it with your own program name and brand essence, and deliver it to your audience



We’re spiritual/energetic beings having a human experience, and the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology was developed upon that foundational Truth. It’s designed to support the whole being… and that means the subconscious mind, the conscious mind, energetic, somatic and emotional release and regulation practices, and nervous system calibration and resilience.


No one teaches neuroscience and energetics like Tracy Litt, the Founder of The School of Becoming. You’ve heard “Change your thoughts, change your life” or “Mindset is everything”… but how do you help someone shift out of their default programming… sustainably? The Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology is the how. It was built by Tracy, and makes the intangible, tangible with applicable practices + tools that actually create lasting change.


All growth exists in the unfamiliar. The unfamiliar to your system is automatically deemed unsafe. With the proven Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, you will become proficient in helping your clients understand the art of change, shift their relationship with fear, and create safety in their nervous system as they heal old wounds and normalize all the beautiful results that they are creating.

Who is this for?

The Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification is for coaches, facilitators, healers, leaders, and entrepreneurs who feel called to expand their capacity to support and serve their clients and teams into the next level of themselves.


It doesn’t matter what industry, niche, or demographic you serve, the proven Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, rooted in neuroscience, supports you in facilitating life-changing transformations to both individuals and groups.


The methodology is designed to give you a clear pathway to incredible results, and is completely customizable so that you can adapt it to serve your audience.

Seeking deeper insight on what exactly becoming a Certified Master Mind Magic® Practitioner can do for you?


Click your category below

You became a coach to make a difference. To help people access their limitless potential. To be of service so you can make an impact in the consciousness and frequency of this world, one beautiful being at a time. To experience financial freedom and abundance on your own terms.

We know that about you, because you’re just like us.

As a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner you will have:


  • The confidence and practices to guarantee your clients’ next-level results.
  • The skillset to take a client deeper so they can go higher.
  • Unwavering belief in yourself as a practitioner.
  • Access to the done-for-you, comprehensive, already proven methodologies so you can hit the ground running and serve the way you were born to.
  • The science behind the art of change.
  • The conviction to charge a premium for your services and make more money.
  • The last certification you will ever need.
  • Deep, connected, lasting relationships with other world-changers that you will wonder how you ever thrived without.

You’re connected. You understand the truth of your divinity. If it’s woo-woo, it’s your jam.


The opportunity to become a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner will change the game for you and your clients, and here’s how…


  • Incorporating neuroscience, somatics, and thought work into your current practice will be a better marriage than PB&J.
  • Understanding neuroscience and proven ways to help your clients think differently will allow for holistic, sustainable transformation. 
  • Experiencing your own transformation will cultivate unwavering belief and conviction in you.
  • You will generate the money in the 3D realm that you deserve to receive. Bye-Bye struggling healer paradigm.
  • You will learn how to simply and succinctly convey to your clients that spirituality is science, allowing you to reach more people and gain more confidence as you deepen the scope of your capacity to serve and speak to your clients’ transformation-potential in a more relatable way.
  • Legitimize for skeptics and non-believers who truly need your service.

FACT: All professional development is personal growth at the core.


Hear us out…


The world is changing, and starving for new ways of being and new, elevated leadership. The old ways of leading and managing are outdated, keeping organizations limited and churning in low-level, stagnant cultures and ways of being in business.


Companies have a social responsibility and an incredible opportunity to
contribute to the evolution of our world, and the beautiful beings in it.


Let’s explore what becoming a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner would mean for you, your impact, your teams, your leadership, and your company.


Why become a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner?


  • With a multi-generational workforce, you need a skillset that brings everyone together and generates results.
  • You’re asked to coach your people, be a servant leader… discover what that means in practice and how to successfully do it.
  • You want to – and are responsible to – help your team level up and drive greater outcomes for the organization, and you need the tools and practices that support you in doing exactly that…
  • The days of old-school professional development are over. No one needs another time management productivity solution. You know, like you know that it’s time to deepen your capacity to coach and lead your people, and you’re ready to step into your next level and become certified in the absolute most comprehensive methodologies available in the professional development industry.
  • You’re tired of burning the candle at both ends, circling back, closing the loop, and getting after the low-hanging fruit.
  • You want a training that’s going to transform you into being that next level of leader you know you’re capable of being, and that you can take to your team to teach, empower, and help transform them into the next level leaders you know they’re capable of being.
  • You’ll possess the skills and confidence necessary to guide your team in mindset work that will upgrade how they think, so they – and you – can deliver higher-level productivity and results in a healthier and more sustainable way. It’s quite literally a win-win-win for everyone and the company at large.
  • Simply put, becoming a Certified
    Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner will take you, your impact, your teams, your leadership, and your company to the next level.

You’re doing incredible work in the world. You are dedicated, passionate, and whip-smart in your area of genius. 


And with all the confidence you hold, you are becoming more and more aware that to truly guide your clients to the promised land, for which they come to you, it’s high-time to expand your skills and capacity. The skills and capacity to coach and help your clients do the inner work required to level up, again and again and again.


What can becoming a Certified  Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner do for you and your impact?


  • Support your clients in reprogramming their belief system so they can show up to execute on the strategy and visibility needed to achieve what they want. 
  • Teach you how to recognize when a client is blocked, and elegantly move them out of their own way, with ease.  
  • Generate exponential results in your offerings because you are now equipped with the most comprehensive, proven nervous system & thought work available. 
  • Create new offers based on the proven identity-evolution and transformation methodologies taught inside of this certification program.
  • Charge more for your existing services.
  • Elevate your brand to new visibility heights as you elevate yourself, your team, your products and services, and your business as a whole.
  • Be able to serve your audience and platform with the guarantee of healing, growth, and ascension. 
  • Have everything at your fingertips with all the insanely amazing, on-demand, done-for-you assets.


…There is inner work that MUST BE DONE so that they can create those incredible results.


Your clients will change and evolve. Period.

“I never knew what unwavering confidence felt like, until now.
As a Certified Professional Coach, and Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist, making an impact and generating results with my clients is my priority. When Tracy announced the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification, I leaped right in. No one teaches mindset and energy like Tracy Litt. She makes everything feel so easy.
The abundance of live group calls, in person training intensive, and the assets I received post certification, blew me away. I’ve never experienced a certification like this. It’s more like an experience.”

Madalyn Scipione

Rapid Transformational
Therapist & Coach

“Even though I have completed a coaching certification program, and a full ICF coaching certification, I still felt that I was missing the mark on giving clients tools & practices to change…to achieve the transformation from the inside out.

When I was introduced to the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, I instantly I said to myself, “Oh, this is it. This is the work that will bridge that gap.”

Sheila Eggert

Leadership & Transformation Coach
Your Inner Circle Coaching

“No matter the industry you work in, your clients need the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology. There is no framework as powerful as this one.”

Angélique Binet

Founder & Coach
Social Media Love

“There is a whole warehouse of assets, and it makes it so easy to just overlay a logo and your branding colors, and really make the materials yours.”

Diana Greshtchuk

Coach & Founder
Fan Your Flame, LLC

“This investment connected all the dots for me. It deepened my appreciation and relationship with God, and the work l’ve done in therapy and with other coaches and transformational modalities.

I attribute my company’s growth to clarity in who I am and how I want to serve others, along with a framework that will help me help my clients connect to themselves, their feelings and their life’s purpose.”

Laura D. Dyess

“You will embody the work, and you will become a living, breathing, walking testimonial for it without even talking about it.”

Barbara Alexander

Intuitive and Spiritual Coach
Barbara C. Alexander, LLC

“Since becoming certified, my relationship with my husband and my family dynamic has changed completely. Everything just feels easy. I unconditionally love and accept myself like never before. My bank account has grown tremendously, and I am believing the truth of my abundance like never before.”

Tasha Romanelli

Holistic Life Coach | Writer | Speaker
Raise Your Vibes

“When I started I had nothing. Now, I run masterminds. I have a 12-week program based on the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology called Limitless Warrior. I’m making high six figures – and I’m also living in ease and flow and peace. I have the life that I always wanted to live.”

Liz Svatek

Conversations With Warrior Women PODCAST

“I learned to truly trust myself, to trust my intuition, to trust my body, and to trust my vision. I’m more at ease. I am the embodiment of this work.”

Beth Graves

You're Not The Boss Of Me!




where we dive deeper into the nuances of the methodology, its content, and what makes it so powerful and transformational.


on topics like creating and holding trauma-informed spaces, high level nervous system regulation, some of the industry’s most relevant and important components of being a phenomenal practitioner, and more.


so that you can deliver the methodology as a full multi-week program.


as you become a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner, including direct coaching, teaching, and mentoring from some of the absolute best Trainers and Coaches in the industry


The School of Becoming proprietary system for helping your clients and teams consistently embody their next level selves again, and again, and again, one choice at a time.


that you can use to help your clients powerfully reprogram themselves on a subconscious level.


of proven exercises, practices, and tools you can access on-demand and deliver in both 1:1 and group settings to achieve massive transformations.


to go beyond accountability and build connections, discuss the work, brainstorm, support, and inspire each other . . . Ya know, your “We’re changing the world” posse!


to go along with all of the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology curriculum so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel and can jump right into delivering the methodology once certified. We are handing you EVERYTHING. Yes, EVERYTHING.


(60-90 minutes each) complete with slides, workbooks, and facilitator’s notes with comprehensive, timed-out instructions so that you can deliver a proven transformational experience at any event, retreat, or talk. Workshop Topics: Fear, The Power of FA, Vision, Resistance


where you can stay connected to other past and future practitioners to ask questions, collaborate, and support one another. 
















“This work gives you the audacity to connect to that deep knowing, that only you have, about what’s right for you and What you want to do next.”

Tammi Lipp

Sacred Philosophies

“I knew from the moment that I started working with Tracy that I needed to be able to share what I was learning with the people that I work with. I knew that this work was going to be a game-changer, that it is the missing piece for people who are going through life transitions, like divorce, and I just knew that this is what was missing for me and my practice.”

Sharri Freedman

Certified Divorce Coach®
Attorney | Mindset & Co- Parenting Expert

“As a result of becoming certified, I’ve been able to create the safety and trust that I needed to continue my expansion journey and bravely step into my divine purpose and potential. I manifested a transition to contract at work and the gentle push/opportunity to branch out on my own. I have a powerful vision and an aligned, actionable plan for moving forward as my. amazing, entrepreneurial higher self.”

Jermaine Stennentt

Certified Transformation Coach
& Energy Healer

A Note from the Creator

“Hi, I’m Tracy Litt.

Mom of 3.

Science & spirituality teacher.

Emotional Healer.

Success mentor.

7-Figure business owner.

International best-selling author.

TEDx speaker.

Creator of the Award-Winning
Neuro-Identity Evolution™

Founder, The Litt Factor & The School
of Becoming™

I’ve been called the platitude whisperer, the truth-teller, the cure for emotional congestion, the how behind all the hype. I wear those titles proudly.

And when I became a coach, I instantly knew my ‘why’: To eradicate the great lie of unworthiness, and to support, serve, and love people in healing, growing, and expanding into the highest version of themselves… and in that ‘becoming process’, naturally generate everything they desire. 


Years later, this conviction has only grown exponentially more fierce.


As a renowned leader in the human growth and potential space, who has completed thousands of hours of individual and group coaching and mentorship, I’ve just about seen it all.


I’ve created and delivered high-touch luxury retreats and teen empowerment programs, served private clients (men and women), delivered epic corporate gigs teaching cultures of consciousness and extraordinary leadership, and built – and run – programs ranging from large groups to high ticket, invitation-only, intimate groups.


I also wrote and published the bestselling book, Worthy Human: Because You’re The Problem And The Solution, and delivered the game-changing TEDx: Dear Fear, It’s Not You, It’s Me.


Along my journey, I astutely observed myself and those I was lucky enough to serve, coach, teach and share energy with. I saw what worked. I saw what didn’t work. I saw the resistance and what caused it. I noticed and noted the themes among them. I saw the magical power of being a part of an unconditionally loving community.


It’s with all of that serving, learning, and paying attention that I started to develop my own body of work. My own proprietary methods and teachings that really, really worked. They weren’t complex or enigmatic. They went beyond the hype to the how.


And, what matters most? THEY WORK. EVERY TIME.


When I started hearing things from my Mind Magic® clients like, “I’ve been doing personal growth forever and this actually worked”, orCan I teach week 3 to my sales team?”, or “I want to use this in my coaching business!”, I knew it was time to bring this incredible methodology to more people. And thus, the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification was born.”


Get certified and let the magic begin!

The doors for the
are now closed for the 2023 cohort. Join the waitlist to be notified when the doors open to apply for the 2024 cohort.

join the CMMMP Waitlist.

“I’m embodying the work all of the time, which makes me a better practitioner for my clients, because I’m not just telling them information, I am the transformation.”

Jen Rafferty

Chairman & CEO Empowered Educator

“You can’t be in this program and not become different. 
Old behaviors that weren’t serving me were so deeply ingrained, and I watched them fall away, and I felt them fall away, and I felt myself change and evolve through the program.”

Kim Mintenko

Leadership Coach &
Mindset Specialist

“My business has doubled since certification.”

Faryl Moore

Founder & Master Healer Moore Energy

“Whoever you are, the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification will serve you. There is no greater return on investment.”

Jillian Pawlowski

Dreamworthy Life Coach


The Certified Neuro-Identity EvolutionTM Practitioner Program is broken down into 3 Phases to support you in learning the foundational concepts, immersing yourself in the methodology, and completing your certification.


Foundations Of Neuro-Identity EvolutionTM

Foundation & Identity Evolution

Your certification journey begins as you go through the foundational concepts of the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, diving deeper into the nuances of the methodology, its content, and science behind what makes it so powerful and transformational. You will spend 90 minutes per week in a virtual group session with your Coach and cohort breaking down pieces of the methodology, expanding your understanding of its structure, and getting all of your questions answered. You will also be meeting with your Practitioner Pod for small-group reflection and discussion. 


Immersion Week


Join the absolute best Trainers and Coaches in the industry, along with Tracy and the other members of your certification cohort for a LIVE, in-person, immersive learning experience in sunny South Florida that supports you through continuing to deepen your understanding of the work, role-playing, co-coaching, and more, as you lock in your transformation and begin embodying the phenomenal practitioner you’re capable of being. (In-person attendance is mandatory)


Elevated Practitioner Skills & Certification

Elevated Practitioner Skill & Certification

In a series of game-changing Masterclasses, you’ll learn the intangibles of client transformations that will take your impact to the next level, with topics like Detached Involvement, Trauma-Informed Spaces, You Are Not Their Guru, and so much more.

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for . . .



It’s time to put your knowledge to the test… the good news? It’s open book/note. Take the opportunity to show us (and yourself!) how far you’ve come with the comprehensive exam. AND… receive your results the same day!


Now is your chance to shine! We’ve developed a stunning model, in which you have the opportunity to really demonstrate your next-level practitioner skills. You will be asked to submit a Certification Portfolio, complete with recordings of:

  • A teach-back of a portion of the Methodology
  • An Inner Child Freedom Process™ session with a fellow certification student
  • A coaching session with a fellow certification student

Once you’ve completed and passed the certification and receive your official endorsement email from The School of Becoming, you can proudly share that you are a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner, and carry your title and capacity to transform lives with pride! 

Because your success is so important to us, we want you to have all the support and done-for-you resources possible to reach the next level in your impact!

“I have been taught under Tony Robbins, Darren Hardy, Grant Cardone, a lot of people in my world who were very successful and are very driven.

But, there was something about Tracy.
She talks to you – and to your soul – and I knew that I wanted to learn that magic from her and be able to share it with others.”

Blair Critch

Wellness Coach

“You’re going to very quickly realize how so many other programs or certifications have let you down in comparison to what the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification is going to deliver for you.”

Tasha Da Costa

Founder & CEO
Lady Boss Studio

“I have raised my prices significantly.”

Sharri Freedman

Certified Divorce CoachR | Attorney | Mindset & Co- Parenting Expert

“I KNOW I’m not the same woman I was before the certification; I’m more self- assured, confident and have more impactful tools with which to support my clients. The Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification is life changing – personally and professionally.”

Joanne Garroway

Business Transformation
Coaching for Women |
Women's Master Networking

The doors for the
are now closed for the 2023 cohort. Join the waitlist to be notified when the doors open to apply for the 2024 cohort.

join the CMMMP Waitlist.


The Next Neuro-Identity Evolution Certification begins March 2025!





*Mind Magic is a pre-req for Certification.

Applying is at no-obligation. It will open that door for a 1:1 conversation to ensure certification is aligned for you. From there you can choose your tuition option and enroll in The Certification Track.

“I’m honored to be a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner. It has changed my life. Even if you don’t intend to serve anybody with it, you will undoubtedly – by proxy – serve the world with it by who you become during the certification process.”

Jillian Pawlowski

Dreamworthy Life Coach

“At the age of 55, I am doing a complete career shift. I am diving into my coaching business full time, and stepping away from a very well-established salon spa and boutique.
It is in full alignment with who I am.”

Stacey McFarland

Founder & Head Coach Soul Studio


Highly Conscious Leaders make decisions based on ROI, not cost. It’s so important to invest in resources that you know will make a direct impact on your bottom line.


This is unquestionably one of them.


Not only will you learn powerful practices and tools that will – sustainably – rewire you to a new level of mind and energetic resonance, you’ll also gain the confidence and conviction that come with being a Master Practitioner of a proven framework that creates unprecedented transformations for your clients and teams.


Once you’ve successfully completed the certification program, you’ll be able to add services, charge more for your current services, and/or build a new business using the skills and practices you have learned. 


Learning the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology will pay for itself many times over.


Yes! Once certified, you will receive a DIY, digital backend business support package that includes


  • Social Media copy ideas
  • Sales Page template
  • Sample Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Video/Photo Release
  • Client Onboarding templates

The possibilities are endless!


Here are a few examples, and rest assured, there are many more:

  • You can incorporate teachings, methods, and modules to amplify the way you work and bring your clients next-level results and transformation.
  • You can take a private 1:1 client through the entire Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology journey, week after week. We provide the entire curriculum, workbooks, digital presentation slides – all of it.
  • You can teach and coach your way through the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology journey as an epic group coaching experience or team experience.
  • You can host live or virtual retreats, workshops, or talks on stages. The Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification also delivers 4 ready-to-go presentations that will rock your attendees’ worlds!

You will be permitted to use all proprietary assets of Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, including The School of Becoming’s coveted system, The Choice Method™.


You will also be able to fully brand those assets. You can use the entire curriculum as-is, or you can extract the proven tools and practices and use them on demand for powerful, transformative moments with your clients or teams.

There is no licensing fee to use the assets (live delivery only). However, if you would like to purchase a license to use the assets in a hybrid model (pre-recorded + live), we are now offering that option upon completion of your certification.

Unless you opt to purchase the higher level license to do so, the answer is NO.


You cannot create any passive digital products using the proprietary assets or methodologies.


You cannot create a program that uses a pre-recorded, evergreen model to teach or coach the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology, as it’s considered digital.


Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioners must teach and coach the materials in LIVE capacities only

No. You cannot certify or train others in the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology.

The immersion will take place from 9/30/2024 to 10/4/2024 at a gorgeous hotel in Southeast Florida. (In-person attendance is mandatory)


Hotel accommodations for the 4 nights of the 5-day immersion are not included in your tuition. You can absolutely room with another Certification student to share the cost. Travel, transfers, meals, and incidentals are also your responsibility.

Yes! We are a certified ICF Continuing Coach Education (CCE) Provider. If you are already an ICF certified coach, in completing the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification, you will earn Core Competency hours and Resource Development hours that can be used towards your ICF renewal or certification upgrade.

Still have questions about the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification?
Contact us at hello@thelittfactor.com and ask away!


from Tracy

“I am here for massive impact and world domination.”

This was the intention that I sat with at the end of 2020, reflecting on the incredible year I had serving, teaching, and coaching . . . and how many lives had been transformed through Mind Magic®. At that moment, my Higher Self came through. (She and I are tight and she always leads the way.)  She told me, “It can’t just be you. If you want your work to change the world, you need a movement.”

As I write this to you, tears are running down my face and my body has the chills, because if there’s one thing I know, it’s that we are created for greatness. You CAN have it all . . . You CAN dream bigger . . . And we CAN change the world . . . (If we’re not here for that, then what the f**k are we even doing?!) 

It was clear to me from that moment on, that this transformational work needed a movement. A movement of independent practitioners who were committed to abundance, elevated energetic resonance, higher levels of consciousness, and guaranteed results. A movement of Highly Conscious Leaders who were mission-driven, heart-and-soul-led, committed to serving and supporting their clients and teams into becoming the next levels of themselves, over and over again, and who wanted to lean all the way into what’s possible within. 

This work is already changing the world through the practitioners who have come through certification before you, and this is your chance to be part of it. Are you in?

The doors for the
are now closed for the 2023 cohort. Join the waitlist to be notified when the doors open to apply for the 2024 cohort.

join the CMMMP Waitlist.

“Somehow the work, itself, and Tracy’s ability to have created work that creates intimacy in itself, is a brilliant system.

I dont know how she did it.”

Celi Arias

Business Strategist

“This really isn’t about learning a bunch of information that you’re then going to teach to others. It’s about becoming the work, becoming the results of the work that you’re teaching, and guiding others through that same experience.”

Kim Mintenko

Leadership Coach & Mindset Specialist

“You’re going to very quickly realize how so many other programs or certifications have let you down in comparison to what the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification is going to deliver for you.”

Tasha DaCosta

Founder & CEO
Lady Boss Studio

“I can honestly say now that I know who I am, what I am, and what I’m here to do, and that is the most satisfying, amazing feeling… to finally know yourself, to see yourself, to really recognize your bigness and your boldness and your magic, and to be able to articulate it and serve the world with it.
It doesn’t get any better than that.”

Tammi Lipp

Sacred Philosophies

“I find that with all of my certifications, the body of work that is truly meant to transform people, is the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology.”

Barbara Alexander

Intuitive and Spiritual Coach
Barbara C. Alexander, LLC

“This is the most clearly drawn program. It’s easy to digest for people it makes a lot of sense. It’s clearly laid out, and I think, fundamentally, this is what everyone needs to move forward.”

Liz Svatek

Conversations With
Warrior Women

“I made my certification tuition back half way through this incredible I program, and I had my best financial year ever in my life in 2021.”

Tasha Romanelli

Holistic Life Coach | Writer | Speaker
Raise Your Vibes

“The year that I became certified, I actually tripled my revenue.”

Angélique Binet

Founder & Coach
Social Media Love

“The breadth of backgrounds in the community are incredible – from corporate leaders to energy healers.


 Coming from a long corporate background & conditioning, it helped me let go of all of the “shoulds” of what it means to do leadership development in corporate, and really embrace going deeper into what really creates change for people. Sustainable transformation, not short term changes.”

Sheila Eggert

Leadership & Transformation Coach
Your Inner Circle Coaching

“After 25 years in corporate, climbing the corporate ladder, well into my six figure salary, I knew what impact I made on other corporations. I had a really difficult time, embracing my gifts, and recognizing that I could make an impact on people with my owr brand. The Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Certification helped me do it. This program provided the framework for me to be able to lead women through transformation.”

Barbara Alexander

Intuitive and Spiritual Coach
Barbara C. Alexander, LLC

“Within months, I was literally standing on stage in Las Vegas at the ARIA resort, speaking about happiness to 2000 of my colleagues. That’s the kind of results that have transpired during this past year.”

Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy

The Business Of Happiness

“I have gone through so many different programs, and learned from many different leaders – Tracy and her work are one of a kind. Her work, works and provides the tools and practices to make real, lasting change. 


As a Certified Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Practitioner, I now have this proven work for myself and DEI practitioners.”

Cheryl Thompson

CEO & Founder
CADIA - The Center for Automotive
Diversity, Inclusion & Advancement

“The women in the room {at Powerhouse) that I was seeing, they were so transformed. Some of them were coming back a second and third time and upleveling even more. They had left husbands, they had stayed with husbands, they had launched businesses, they were making a million dollars in their business, they were doing all these things, and I thought, “oh my god, these tools must really be something”, and I thought they would be perfect for my warrior women.”

Liz Svatek

Conversations With
Warrior Women

“I can use the Neuro-Identity Evolution™ Methodology with my clients, and I already know it works.
I know because it worked on me.”

Tasha DaCosta

Founder & CEO
Lady Boss Studio

“Before certification, I felt as though I was caught in this place where I was surface coaching. I wanted to take my clients deeper. This work is exactly what I’ve been looking for to take my coaching practice to the next level.”

Amy Young

Coach & Founder
Redefine Possibility

“I see myself as an elevated version of a CEO, with a vision that is totally unshakable as to who I can be and, really, who I am capable of being.”

Jen Rafferty

Chairman & CEO
Empowered Educator