EP. 32 Collaboration over competition: How women can build genuine connections and support each other in the long game (The Long Game Series Ep 5) | School of Becoming


I continue to be endlessly thrilled by these incredible conversations in The Long Game Series! 

The rawness we share, the vulnerability we embrace, and the shared hunger to bring you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is beyond words.

Today I am joined by the magnificent Jill Stanton! 

My relationship with Jill is a glowing example of being open and receptive in the online entrepreneur space, with no motive other than genuine connection. 

This episode is hot! We go deep and hard right away ???? 

We talked about how what people call oversharing is actually being fully self-expressed and comfortable in their own skin. Truths you need to know if you’re considering working with your spouse. 

How Jill got the hit for the Millionaire Girls Club and the raw story of how she initially felt incongruent to lead something as powerful as MGC. Which then led us to a truth bomb about owning your vision without needing others’ to see it – aka self-trust & conviction. 

Throw your headphones on, and turn the volume up. Let’s roll.

More Love,