72. My huge epiphany about expanding capacity | School of Becoming


I’ve been practicing and teaching capacity, quite successfully, for a while.

Today I share a profound epiphany that has elevated my understanding of capacity exponentially.

It’s not about holding. WHAT?!

Holding is actually an interference to the expansion of your capacity.

So then what is it about?

Throw your headphones on and let’s roll. You’re going to want to have pen and paper for this one.

More love,

CAPACITY One Day Luxury Retreat is here. Grab your spot now: capacity.fun

Want the opportunity to get a hot-seat with me so you can unlock what is interfering with your capacity? Join us July 19 @ 11 am ET for a free group coaching session where you have the chance to be coached directly by me and experience what it’s like to be loved and held like never before. Form to submit for free coaching is on the CAPACITY event page above.